Friday, March 5, 2010

Cullioure North Studio, March 5, 2010

Spring is in the air, the air which smells fresh, and wet. Unlike winter air, or April air which smells of earth unseen for months here in the north. Rhythm is very important for me, the creative rhythm of my work; the continuous, sinuous, tenuous stream of intuitive, conceptual imaginative thought. Rhythm is everything! But then the rhythm must be disrupted, interrupted, how else to get somewhere else, to be reflective. A beautiful rhythm is a fine thing, imagine a red canoe on water as smooth as glass, the canoe rolled radically to one side, and you are holding a dark paddle, a paddle given to you by a true friend, you are paddling forward effortlessly, silently, stroke after powerful stroke, along a dark green shore line, and suddenly something beautiful catches your attention, you reach out , draw your canoe rapidly to that shore, to an unexpected stop, so that you can observe this place, you can contemplate, rejoice, question, enter the well of your memories, sore to new heights. A break in rhythm. Enjoy! A northern artist Bruce

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